There are many qualities that set David apart from his peers:
Unobtrusive approach. Capturing each moment candidly, without interrupting the bride and groom's enjoyment
of their day together, requires a delicate balance. A photographer must know when to be helpful and
when to step back and let things flow naturally. A client-focused awareness is one of the exceptional gifts that
David brings to his wedding photography.
Wedding experience. David's 12 years of wedding photography experience has given him expertise that cannot
easily be matched by a less experienced photographer.
Image quality. We use some of the highest quality cameras and lenses in the business and shoot all of our images in
Raw format to preserve the best possible resolution. We spend 18 hours perfecting the images in post-processing.
Very few studios put this level of effort into their wedding photos.
High-resolution DVDs. We provide all of the finished, corrected images (typically 1500-2000 total) on 6 or 7
high resolution DVDs to our clients. These images are not watermarked and you will have the full rights to print
from them. They are very high-resolution and can easily print poster-size.

Prints. We use one of the highest quality laboratories in the country -
one that caters only to professional photographers.
Albums. Our hand-crafted library bound wedding albums are absolutely
beautiful. We use separate vendors for the designing, printing and binding
to get the best possible quality at every step in the process. You will have
a great deal of input into the finished product, with multiple revisions until
it is just the way you want it.
David Barnes Photography is a teaching institution. Many of the
photographers who have trained with David over the last decade have
gone on to form successful photography studios of their own. Some of
the finest continue to be part of David's team.
David Barnes photography has an absolute No Bait and Switch policy.